Founder & Research Director

Founder & Creative Director

Special Advisor

Special Advisor

Roseline Agyekum NHS nurse

Lead Nurse/Senior Practitioner Lecturer
Kings College Hospital NHS Foundation

Kings College Hospital
Research governance Manager

U.S Embasy London, Economic Affairs, Science, Technology & Health

Ph.D in Global Health

Eric Collins, Special Advisor, Impact X

Product Marketing Manager

Special Advisor

Lead Developer

Product Manager

About Us

Central to this conversation is an educational platform that speaks to the root causes of chronic disease and the lifestyle changes that we can all take to increase longevity.

The LIBRA Community provides a safe space for us to work together to resolve these problems and take the necessary steps to a achieve a more healthy existence.

Solving some of the world’s most challenging health and wellness issues requires a communal effort must consider the vantage points of a variety of doctors, specialists, researchers, holistic health practitioners and citizen activists.

LIBRA is a social enterprise that is dedicated to eradicating health care disparities, improving global wellness outcomes and addressing chronic disease.

Our ethos revolves around social responsibility and ensuring that Earth and its inhabitants can flourish and evolve into something better.

How we started

LIBRA HEALTH SYSTEMS was created by Kevin Helton and Jane Hutchison in response to Jane’s own diagnosis with cancer.

After a decade of supporting cancer patients through our London based wellness space, we were compelled to extend the conversation to include a Virtual Health Assistant —A tool that that has be designed to help with early diagnosis, treatment and prevention.

The project was further inspired by and grew out of a workshop hosted by Eric D. Collins, celebrated author of “We Don’t Need Permission.”

The questions the workshop delved into were simple—

Are we leaving some demographics behind by using biased datasets?

Are we creating solutions that are ineffective for certain ethnicities and genders?

Can we all take small but radical steps to fix these problems and instigate positive social change?

It's time to stop waiting for someone else to give us permission and start boldly making the world we want to see.

How it works

Doctors, researchers, specialists and other health and wellness practitioners prompt research participants with targeted surveys to help understand chronic conditions that are being experienced or aiming to prevent.

The answers that are given are blended together to offer insight into why, how and under what circumstances these conditions manifest and what if any steps can be taken to prevent or limit their occurrence.

The data and other feedback provide by all participants in the survey is normalized and anonymized.

The data is then fed into advance machine learning algorithms to uncover condition patterns, correlations, and other statistically relevant insights to provide a robust tool for assisting doctors with early diagnosis, non-invasive testing and clinical research.

The community is encouraged to take an active role in these discussions and push doctors into new directions of study.

Communal Intelligence

To achieve our greatest potential we must all come together to drive systemic change.

This communal spirit is the necessary ingredient that is currently missing from our global health systems.

We the people, must participate in, and instigate research into, the various health conditions that affect our society.

We must blend individual feedback and to create a communal intelligence that will unlock insights that are simply not possible from a single piece of research.

Together we can create the world’s most robust database for sustainably diagnosing, treating and preventing chronic disease by learning more about underlying causes and  triggers.

How you can participate

This is a journey that can only succeed with participation from global citizens and patient activists. We see proactive individuals, researchers and patient advocacy groups as a natural extension of our family, and we invite you to join the movement.

The movement is just starting

If you share our vision and enjoy early-stage building, be among the first people to join our team of ambassadors contact us